The Steering Committee reached an in-principle agreement on the overall structure and content of the standard and a final draft will be finalized by ASC’s Standards and Science Team.
With the aim of having the best professionals working in Vitapro, the company started with a new trainee plan in Ecuador to provide talent and train to young professionals in the core areas of the company (Technical Advisory and Feed Technology), to nurture the organization with new ideas and generate innovation from the bottom up.
Skretting has held a new training session for Aquagen professionals. The participants of the NUtrainig were able to know and review the Benchmarking of the Aquagen strain and the presentation on Analysis and Interpretation of Productive Results.
A new feed formulation, that aims to lower the cost of fish farming and make fish more affordable to the masses, kicked off with field-testing at the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) in the Philippines.
Skretting estimates that more than 1.5 billion farmed fish and shrimp have already been harvested through AquaSim’s recommendations, and a further 1.25 billion are currently in the system.
The Soy Aquaculture Alliance (SAA) and Prairie AquaTech LLC performed a study on how combined ultrafiltration (UF) and reverse osmosis (RO) technologies in a RAS system can increase soy protein use in aquaculture feeds. Soybean inclusion diets increased fish body weight and reduced mortalities with UF/RO systems.
Aller Aqua, with Italian Palma d’Oro (Gloria Maris group) and Sardegna Porto Conte Ricerche, has recently concluded a study to test the effect of Aller Aqua Blue Organic Ex feed on sea bream pigmentation. The diet improved skin coloration making seabream more marketable.